ZK Portrait
An anoynomous portrait for a human on the blockchain
Each Account vault corresponds to a ZK identity, the data tag is discovered from the Account vault, generates a zero-knowledge proof and interacts with the data2.cash smart contract to add the tag to the ZK identity, so the ZK identity holds the tag corresponding to the behaviour of all the accounts within the Account vault, but is not associated with all the addresses within the Account vault. vault, but is not associated with any of the addresses in the Account vault.
The ZK Identity is the web3 user profile of the user and they can earn more tags by continuously enriching their ZK Identity and the user can earn income when the tags are queried. Users need to tie their ZK Identity to a wallet address (we recommend using a brand new one) to receive projects' airdrop and to collect the revenue earned by the data for the user.
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